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What Is Neurogenic Pain Management? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Discover the Surprising Truth About Neurogenic Pain Management – 6 Common Questions Answered!

Neurogenic pain management is a comprehensive approach to chronic pain relief that focuses on treating the underlying cause of neuropathic pain symptoms. It involves a combination of non-pharmacological therapies, such as physical therapy exercises, cognitive behavioral therapy, and alternative treatments, as well as medications to reduce pain and minimize side effects. Interventional procedures may also be used to provide additional relief. A holistic health approach is often recommended to ensure that all aspects of the patient’s health are addressed.


  1. What Is Chronic Pain Relief?
  2. How Can Non-Pharmacological Therapy Help Manage Neurogenic Pain?
  3. What Physical Therapy Exercises Can Be Used to Treat Neurogenic Pain?
  4. What Interventional Procedures Are Available for Managing Neurogenic Pain?
  5. How Can a Holistic Health Approach Benefit Those With Neurogenic Pain Management Issues?
  6. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What Is Chronic Pain Relief?

Chronic pain relief can be achieved through a variety of non-pharmacological treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), physical therapy, exercise and stretching, acupuncture, massage therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), biofeedback training, hypnosis, meditation and relaxation techniques, heat or cold therapies, dietary changes, supplements, and surgery.

How Can Non-Pharmacological Therapy Help Manage Neurogenic Pain?

Non-pharmacological therapy can help manage neurogenic pain in a variety of ways. Physical therapy can help improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion, while cognitive behavioral therapy can help to modify pain-related behaviors. Exercise and stretching can help to reduce pain and improve mobility, while relaxation techniques can help to reduce stress and tension. Biofeedback training can help to increase awareness of the body and its responses to pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can help to reduce pain by stimulating the nerves with electrical impulses. Acupuncture and acupressure can help to reduce pain by stimulating specific points on the body. Massage therapy can help to reduce pain and improve circulation. Heat or cold treatments can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Ultrasound therapy can help to reduce pain and improve circulation. Spinal cord stimulation can help to reduce pain by stimulating the nerves with electrical impulses. Psychotherapy can help to modify pain-related behaviors and improve coping skills. Hypnosis can help to reduce pain by altering the perception of pain. Finally, yoga can help to reduce pain and improve flexibility.

What Physical Therapy Exercises Can Be Used to Treat Neurogenic Pain?

Physical therapy exercises that can be used to treat neurogenic pain include range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises, stretching and flexibility exercises, postural correction techniques, manual therapy techniques, aquatic therapy programs, electrical stimulation therapies, heat and cold treatments, massage therapies, cognitive-behavioral strategies, traction methods, ultrasound treatments, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

What Interventional Procedures Are Available for Managing Neurogenic Pain?

Interventional procedures available for managing neurogenic pain include peripheral nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, neurolytic agents, cryoneurolysis, neuromodulation therapy, trigger point injections, botulinum toxin injections, acupuncture and dry needling, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), physical rehabilitation programs, medications, and surgery.

How Can a Holistic Health Approach Benefit Those With Neurogenic Pain Management Issues?

A holistic health approach can benefit those with neurogenic pain management issues in a variety of ways. By focusing on the mind-body connection, individuals can explore alternative therapies such as stress reduction techniques, nutrition and diet changes, exercise and physical activity, acupuncture and massage therapy, herbal remedies and supplements, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), meditation and relaxation practices, and biofeedback training. These practices can help to improve sleep quality, reduce inflammation levels, enhance immune system functioning, and increase overall wellbeing. Additionally, these holistic health approaches can help to reduce the intensity and frequency of neurogenic pain.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

  1. Mistake: Neurogenic pain management is only for people with chronic pain.

    Explanation: Neurogenic pain management can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including acute and chronic pain. It is not limited to just those with chronic pain.
  2. Mistake: Neurogenic pain management involves the use of medications only.

    Explanation: While medications may be part of a neurogenic pain management plan, it also includes other treatments such as physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture and massage therapy.
  3. Mistake: Neurogenic Pain Management is only for people who have nerve damage or injury from an accident or surgery.

    Explanation: Neurogenic Pain Management can help manage many types of painful conditions that are caused by neurological issues such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and trigeminal neuralgia even if there has been no prior trauma or injury to the nerves involved in these conditions