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What Are Neurogenic Pain Examples? (6 Common Questions Answered)

Discover the Surprising Neurogenic Pain Examples You Never Knew Existed – Get Answers to 6 Common Questions Now!

Neurogenic pain examples include post-surgical pain, phantom limb pain, complex regional pain, trigeminal neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, central neuropathic pain, peripheral neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis.


  1. What Is Post-Surgical Pain?
  2. What Is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
  3. How Does Diabetic Neuropathy Affect the Body?
  4. What Causes Central Neuropathic Pain?
  5. How Does Multiple Sclerosis Impact Neurogenic Pain Examples?
  6. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What Is Post-Surgical Pain?

Post-surgical pain is a type of neurogenic pain that can occur after surgery. It can be acute or chronic and can be caused by a variety of factors, including incisional site pain, phantom limb sensation, nerve damage or irritation, scar tissue formation, infection at the surgical site, muscle spasms and cramps, inflammation of tissues, anesthesia complications, medication side effects, and post-surgical nerve injury.

What Is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that affects both men and women equally. Symptoms include burning, aching, and stabbing sensations that can affect any part of the body but most commonly affects arms and legs. Diagnosis is based on medical history and physical examination. It may be caused by trauma, surgery, stroke, or other conditions. Pain is usually worse at night. Treatment includes medications such as antidepressants and anticonvulsants, physical therapy to reduce symptoms, psychological counseling to manage stress associated with chronic pain, and in some cases surgery to relieve pressure on nerves. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture may also provide relief from symptoms. It may take several months for full recovery from CRPS and can lead to disability if not treated properly. CRPS is considered a rare condition.

How Does Diabetic Neuropathy Affect the Body?

Diabetic neuropathy can cause a range of symptoms, including numbness and tingling, muscle weakness or paralysis, painful sensations, autonomic nerve dysfunction, digestive problems, urinary tract issues, sexual dysfunction, difficulty walking or balancing, slow healing wounds or ulcers, increased risk of infection, cardiovascular complications, vision changes/loss of vision, hearing loss, and cognitive decline.

What Causes Central Neuropathic Pain?

Central neuropathic pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections such as shingles, diabetes-related nerve damage, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke or brain injury, spinal cord injury, chemotherapy drugs, HIV/AIDS and other viral infections, nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, alcoholism and drug abuse, genetic disorders such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, tumors that press on nerves, certain medications including some antidepressants, and radiation therapy.

How Does Multiple Sclerosis Impact Neurogenic Pain Examples?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It can cause nerve damage, leading to a variety of neurogenic pain examples, including chronic pain conditions, spasticity and muscle weakness, sensory loss or disturbance, paroxysmal symptoms, autonomic dysfunction, fatigue and sleep problems, cognitive impairment, bladder and bowel dysfunction, vision problems, painful spasms, loss of mobility, and emotional changes. MS can also cause a wide range of other symptoms, such as difficulty with balance and coordination, numbness and tingling, and difficulty speaking.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

  1. Mistake: Neurogenic pain is only caused by neurological conditions.

    Correct Viewpoint: Neurogenic pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical trauma, inflammation, and nerve damage. It can also be the result of certain medical treatments or medications.
  2. Mistake: All neurogenic pain is chronic in nature.

    Correct Viewpoint: While some forms of neurogenic pain may be chronic in nature, others may come and go depending on the underlying cause or condition that is causing it. For example, post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a type of neuropathic pain that typically occurs after an episode of shingles and can last for months or even years afterwards.
  3. Mistake: Neurogenic pain cannot be treated effectively with medication or other therapies.

    Correct Viewpoint: There are many different types of treatment options available for managing neuropathic pain such as medications like anticonvulsants and antidepressants; topical creams; nerve blocks; electrical stimulation therapy; acupuncture; massage therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); biofeedback training; lifestyle changes such as exercise and stress management techniques; and more recently developed treatments like low-level laser therapy (LLLT).